Ahhhh... 3 months ago, I was very skeptical about taking the class despite the fact that I "actually volunteered" to take them. There were tempting offers from Charlyn to take the class but I thought it would be a nice change for the kiddos to have me as their teacher for a change. Its not that I am not happy to work with them but I was more worried than anything. I believe to a certain extend, I am a perfectionist. When I do something...its gotta be good! I was worried that I was not able to live up to the parents expectations or meet the parents demands. Worst of all, would I be able to perform up to my standard. All this time, I dished out instructions and expect them to be carried out so that the children will learn in a rich, happy and stimulating environment and most of the time the impression I got from the teachers was that there is never enough time to do what they really hoped for and its very rushing etc. I was worried if I did not do a good job then I will be sending the wrong message to the other teachers as all eyes are fixed on me. So I had tons of worries! Weeks before I took over the class, I had already made preparations, mentally, emotionally, financially ( must buy many materials apart from those supplied by the school), and spiritually(hheheheh).
When I was taking the class, I had tremendous fun with the kiddos. They would do and say the darnest thing! ALL of them were fast learners, the grasp skills and concepts within minutes. I was amazed at behaviour.......they were totally different from the pre kindies that I know as a Principal. They used to be soo...o quiet and "obedient". (sorry had to use this word) but under that facade are little imps that is so..ooo chatty with wild imaginations and colourful language. Sometimes they are so scary ....they are like my clones that started to talk like me and uphold the classroom rules to the core. They did most of the classroom management with occasional help for me when the argument gets too heaty. They are bundles of joy to work with, full of love, hugs and kisses ( they like to kiss me with dirty pouty lips - after food etc)
I am doing to miss them lots coz the relationship we have is sacred that is only possible between a class teacher and a student. It will never be the same but these kiddos will always have a special place in my heart. Good luck and God bless..............
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Hi Moms & Dad
Our restaurant in our home corner is coming along really well. I have set up the main skeleton(frame) for the corner. The kids are decorating it to their taste. They would like to serve "English food". I think what they meant was "Western Food" The funniest thing happen today when I was watching them set up the corner. My instruction was clear up the PET SHOP and think what you need to set up a restaurant. While Ravshaan and Vivian gets busy decorating the chairs and cashier table with scraps of our concert backdrop, Odelia and Jamie gets occupied with sorting the cutleries and E kai watching over them and Akaash supervising them, Don cleaning the shelves (his own initiative), Jo Ee and Kieona was setting the table and pretending to tuck into some can of dog food with fork and spoon as if eating some caviar at a posh restaurant ....it was such a funny sight .....I just couldn't help my self but burst into laughter. As usual, they became shy and started blushing....I wonder what are the pre kindies parents feeding their child nowadays!! he ..he ..he..
Our restaurant in our home corner is coming along really well. I have set up the main skeleton(frame) for the corner. The kids are decorating it to their taste. They would like to serve "English food". I think what they meant was "Western Food" The funniest thing happen today when I was watching them set up the corner. My instruction was clear up the PET SHOP and think what you need to set up a restaurant. While Ravshaan and Vivian gets busy decorating the chairs and cashier table with scraps of our concert backdrop, Odelia and Jamie gets occupied with sorting the cutleries and E kai watching over them and Akaash supervising them, Don cleaning the shelves (his own initiative), Jo Ee and Kieona was setting the table and pretending to tuck into some can of dog food with fork and spoon as if eating some caviar at a posh restaurant ....it was such a funny sight .....I just couldn't help my self but burst into laughter. As usual, they became shy and started blushing....I wonder what are the pre kindies parents feeding their child nowadays!! he ..he ..he..
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Next Theme
Parents please be informed that we have completed our theme on Pets. We will be doing "FOOD" for the next theme. I intend to set up a "restaurant" in our home corner. We will also be inviting parents to come in to do a cooking workshop. I intend to get Sakura's Mom or Dad to do sushi and Ravshaan's family to do chapati and aloo ghobi (don't know what this is....hhehhe I'm not going to tell you but you should find out coz I am feeding your kids with it for lunch!)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Field Trip - Animal Resort
Howdy Guys
Last Friday our visit to the Animal Resort is as per normal - full of FuN. The weather was pretty pleasant thus it feels more like a stroll from one part of the farm to another. I like the atmosphere at the place as among the hustle and bustle of Yio Chu Kang, there they are in their secluded area that is soo...ooo laid back. It reminds me of my days in Australia where everything seems to go slow and Hakuna-ma-ta-ta (no worries) or in Singapore term simply Bo Chap attitute. In the compound after the "talk, it was own time own target. I like it because we could just wander off from the group and not worried of being lost or left behind as we are in moderate proximity of each other. Normally being a principal, I would act as a floater that usually assist with one or two students but this time round, being a teacher and bringing the group....I needed a floater ......a personal floater whom was rather unwilling but relented in the end....My husband. We managed to take some pix and hopefully it will be up soon. Got to go now coz. I got to look good tomorrow..heheh meeting parents for PTC so don't want to look like Kungfu Panda!
Last Friday our visit to the Animal Resort is as per normal - full of FuN. The weather was pretty pleasant thus it feels more like a stroll from one part of the farm to another. I like the atmosphere at the place as among the hustle and bustle of Yio Chu Kang, there they are in their secluded area that is soo...ooo laid back. It reminds me of my days in Australia where everything seems to go slow and Hakuna-ma-ta-ta (no worries) or in Singapore term simply Bo Chap attitute. In the compound after the "talk, it was own time own target. I like it because we could just wander off from the group and not worried of being lost or left behind as we are in moderate proximity of each other. Normally being a principal, I would act as a floater that usually assist with one or two students but this time round, being a teacher and bringing the group....I needed a floater ......a personal floater whom was rather unwilling but relented in the end....My husband. We managed to take some pix and hopefully it will be up soon. Got to go now coz. I got to look good tomorrow..heheh meeting parents for PTC so don't want to look like Kungfu Panda!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Vivian Did It!
Guess what, this must be a tap week coz Vivian did it today! She wanted to go the wash room and I said yes...within few seconds she called out my name. I dashed quickly to the toilet to find her beaming with her pearly whites as she said this, " See I can do it all by myself". I laughed and asked her to hang on to her pose as I look around for my camera...Atlas! I remembered that I actually left the camera in my study room at home...I went back to Vivian and the cute young thing was still posing with her pearly whites..I told her that I had forgotten my camera and that I will take her pix first thing tomorrow. She nodded and walked off with her head up high....Good Job Vivian!
"welcome daddies!!!"
Hip HIP hurrAy! A very warm welcome to Mr Teru (Sakura's Dad) and Mr KC (Vivian's Dad)..I am glad u guys liked the Fathers' Day gift....by the way what cookies Mr KC...I don't remember making cookies with the kiddos for Fathers' Day?....OhhhOh wat did u put in ur mouth...it's definately not cookies...hahah all I remembered was making easel picture frame from branches..definately not edible. Hope your not talking about the chocs that Vivian made a month ago for Mothers' Day... hahaha
PS Thank u dads for being a part of my blog, hope more dads will join in and network....
PS Thank u dads for being a part of my blog, hope more dads will join in and network....
Saturday, June 14, 2008
There is this thingy with pressing the tap that I don't quite understand...and I believe some parents is in this with me....I feel its over focussed on by some adults that it becomes kind of a milestone. For me as an educator well its not a skill that I put a date on for the kids to meet up with. It does help when the kids are able to do it as they don't require additional help from the teacher or their friends when they wish to wash their hands But most kids are more than happy to press the tap for their friends who needs assistance. But last week, two of the Pre Kindies managed to press their own tap and they were head over heels about it. So I decided to take snap shots of their achievement. Parents of those who can't press the tap don't worry, IT'S NO BIG DEAL! However, I will make sure all the tap heads is changed (from the pressing sort to the easier kind) before my departure from the noisy, lively, active and happy PRE KINDY class.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Dear Mums and Dads
Just a little reminder, we are having our PTC from 23rd to 27th June (1pm -3pm). Some of you have indicated the date and time you would like to meet up with me (I shall provide the tea and you guys shall provide the yummy tea snacks and we will discuss over tea....how's that) ...heehehh
but most of you have yet to get back to me. Please also be reminded that we are going on a field trip on the 19th of June to Animal Resort.....so hurry send in the reply slip..bye!
( hope you like the little gift created by the little ones for their biggest HERO)
Just a little reminder, we are having our PTC from 23rd to 27th June (1pm -3pm). Some of you have indicated the date and time you would like to meet up with me (I shall provide the tea and you guys shall provide the yummy tea snacks and we will discuss over tea....how's that) ...heehehh
but most of you have yet to get back to me. Please also be reminded that we are going on a field trip on the 19th of June to Animal Resort.....so hurry send in the reply slip..bye!
( hope you like the little gift created by the little ones for their biggest HERO)
Howdy Parents
Thank you for all the wonderful comments, I hope this blog acts as a platform for all of us to care and for the little ones in a less formal way. Your words of encouragement and appreciation in your comments certainly made it all worth while.
Thank you for all the wonderful comments, I hope this blog acts as a platform for all of us to care and for the little ones in a less formal way. Your words of encouragement and appreciation in your comments certainly made it all worth while.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
My oh my, I have been spending the last 3 hours trying upload the rest of the kids pix but to no avail. Easier said than done! It.15am now time for MOI to get beauty sleep or I will look like Frankenstein's bride tomorrow and who knows perhaps even till Monday ....too bad it will not be halloween yet!
Pre Kindy *2008
Dear Parents, this blog was set up especially for you to have a glimpse of what your children in pre-kindy have been doing. This is also a chance for you to be a part of our learning process. You are most welcomed to leave your comments on our posts.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
My next theme will still be on "Pets" but I will be focussing on cats, dogs and fish. I hope the kids will be just as excited as they really went "WILD" on the Jungle theme. I managed to get some snaps of them with their master pieces...awwWW aren't they cute...I meant the jungle animals...heheh
There's more stay tuned!!!!
Yesss finally, I am blogging and hope will continue to do so even after stop taking the Pre Kindy class. At this point, this is my brain project for the pre kindies and their mummies and daddies . I hope this will be a big hit and the blogging fever will spread to the rest in the school. THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL SCHOOLHOUSE IN THE SPRING BLOG. Should you find anything offensive, I'm sorry but live with It! Cannot complain to centre hor! This is done in personal capacity not as a principal so email me with your bouquet or bucket... By the way ...Thank you pearline....muah muaH MUAH
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Welcome to the Pre-Kindy 2008 Blog!
We have finally gotten around to setting up this blog for the pre-kindy children to improve the communication process between you and us. Traditionally, we have put comments and updates of our weekly activities in your child's communication books. We are using this platform as an experiment and to ascertain its feasibility in communicating our pre-kindy activities to parents in a more colourful way.
As such you can expect pictures in the blog, together with general comments and updates of what we have been doing in class. Rest assured that individual comments in your child's communication books will still be read and responded to. The purpose of this blog is mainly to share with you general classroom activities in a more direct manner.
Please feel free to send us any comments via your child's communication books or via the comments on this post. Thank you.

As such you can expect pictures in the blog, together with general comments and updates of what we have been doing in class. Rest assured that individual comments in your child's communication books will still be read and responded to. The purpose of this blog is mainly to share with you general classroom activities in a more direct manner.
Please feel free to send us any comments via your child's communication books or via the comments on this post. Thank you.

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